
5 minute modifications for a more sustainable home

Sustainability doesn’t have to be a full time job. In fact, it can take only 5 minutes to make a sustainable swap that lasts a lifetime. 

Words: Anna Lowe

easy ways to make your home more sustainable

buy Energy Efficient Lightbulbs

Swap your lightbulbs out for energy saving light bulbs like LEDs which can save you up to 80% on lighting costs. An old-fashioned incandescent light bulb uses 60W of power, whereas a new energy efficient LED uses only 10W. Don’t forget to turn them off when you’re not using them. Paper bills are so 2018. Get your bills digitally sent to you via email. Some companies charge a couple of dollars to send you paper mail and every dollar counts. It also makes it easier to keep track and sort them too.

How to save Water

Reuse your water. If you wash your fruit and veg, keep the water. You can use it to water any indoor or outdoor plants. This also applies to things that you’ve boiled in water – just make sure it’s cooled down first. 

Grow your own herbs

Never buy herbs again! – spring onion, basil, sage and even bok-choy only need water, just cut off the ends of these herbs when you are cooking with them and pop them in a jar filled with water and watch them grow. They can also easily be transported into soil. 

Save electricity with a thermos 

Invest in a thermos. Not only are they super cute to carry tea and soup around them but you can also store boiled water in them so you don’t have to keep on using energy to boil the kettle. 

Cut out single-use teabags

Speaking of tea, swap out tea bags for loose leaf tea. Not only is it fresher and better for the environment, some tea health benefits are only present in loose leaf tea. You also get to control the amount of tea and maybe even mix and match some if you’re feeling it. As well as, compost the tea leaves after or directly put them on soil/flowers etc. Which brings me to my next point:

easy ways to make your home more sustainable

How to compost 

Composting! Not everyone has the room or time for composting but you can still save your food scraps and donate them to someone that does! Just freeze the scraps in a container so they don’t rot and when the container’s full, donate it. Here’s a list for places that will accept your compost in Melbourne.

DIY Natural Cleaning Products

Make your own eco-friendly cleaning products! This curbs single-use plastic waste and chemical run off, whilst also saving you money. It also means that you aren’t left in a sticky situation when you are out of cleaning products, because you can just make up your own again.

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

An old one but a gold one, reuse glass jars that you get from the supermarket to store food in your pantry. Italian Nonna’s have been going it for centuries.